Ok so here is another blog post about automating website creation.
Problem: I have lots of projects where I take pictures of the thing, but dont want to sit down and make a full website. Mainly lamp projects. Its a pain adding all the href tags and what not.. also there could be like 10 – 50 photos! Im lazy. I want to put the media in a folder, run a script that turns that into a website. Ideally run the script on a bunch of folders at the same time and turn all my folders into websites.
The basics concepts and then structure as as follows
- grabbing text and then outputting it into our HTML file.
- we do this with the
command and the>
command. this grabs it and outputs it into a file we specified. This is our output variable. Theoutput
file in our case. We have to put the $ in front of output variable cause thats how you reference variables in bash.
- we do this with the
- a for loop to cycle through all the files in the folder, looking for images and movies
- a for loop to cycle through all the folders in a directory
- create a for loop that gets into each folder in the directory
- create a index.html file
- create our header with our prototypes we used in the last tutorial
- we are using the name of the folder as the title of our html and also the main heading of our file
- grab the description.txt file and use that as our description of what we are showing off
- this command is cool cause it also will add the line breaks in your text file and any html links
- create a for loop that cycles through all the files and looks for matching file extensions in our case : jpg, png, jpeg, webp, bmp, tif, gif, JPG, PNG, JPEG.
- now it takes that and wraps it up in a <a href> tag so we can click on it and make it bigger.
- also we want to display movies! so we look for movie file extensions and then make the appropriate syntax and tags around that.
- add a footer at the end of this html file
- get out of that folder and go onto the next one!
The script!
echo "Welcome to the scriptrr wwow for generating websites from subfolders."
# make the current directory where you run the script the parent_dir
# now cycle through each directory in that parent
for dir in */; do
cd "$dir"
echo we are now in the "${PWD##*/}" folder! making website now grr grr crank crank
#start our file off with the standard html and header tags
echo "<html><head>" > "$output"
cat "../../../../httpdocs/prototypes/beginning.html" >> "$output"
cat "../../../../httpdocs/prototypes/header.html" >> "$output"
echo "<title> ${PWD##*/} </title>" >> "$output"
cat "../../../../httpdocs/prototypes/nav.html" >> "$output"
echo "</head><body>" >> "$output"
echo "<h1 style=\"text-align: center\"> ${PWD##*/} </h1>" >> "$output"
# Add heading from description.txt
description=$(cat "description.txt")
formatted_description=$(echo "$description" | sed -e 's/\(http[^[:space:]]*\)/<a href="\1">\1<\/a>/g' -e 's/$/<br>/')
echo "<h3 style=\"text-align: center; padding: 1%\"> $formatted_description </h3>" >> "$output"
echo "<div class=\"container\">" >> "$output"
echo "<div class=\"row\">" >> "$output"
for file in *; do
if [[ $file =~ .*\.(jpg$|png$|jpeg$|webp$|bmp$|tif$|gif$|JPG$|PNG$|JPEG$) ]]; then
echo "<a href=\"$filename\" data-lightbox=\"images\" data-title=\"Image $i\"><img src=\"$filename\" alt=\"$filename\" class=\"col-md-4\"></a>" >> "$output"
if [[ $file =~ .*\.(mov$|MOV$|avi$|mp4$|ogg$|webm$) ]]; then
echo this is the movie filenamee: $filenameMov
echo "<video width = "500" height = "300" controls>" >> "$output"
echo "<source src = \"$filenameMov\" type = "video/mp4">" >> "$output"
echo "This browser doesn't support video tag." >> "$output"
echo "</video>" >> "$output"
cat "../../../../httpdocs/prototypes/footer_photoSites.html" >> "$output"
echo "</div></div>" >> "$output"
echo "</body></html>" >> "$output"
cd "$parent_dir"
echo "Website generation completed for all of the suuuuubfolders."
- Make the script a .sh file
- put it in the folder that contains all the other folders of your projects.
- run this script in that folder and it should output an index.html file in each one of the child folders
next steps
- I was trying to make it so you could click one image and it would get big and you could push left and right arrows and it would cycle through, but I havent figured that out yet. Lightbox.js?
- make links better looking.. like have the link say something and not just the raw web address
- automatically downsampling of the images. I tried ImageMagick and Mogrify but those werent working. also a python thing called Pillow. Pillow was probably going to work, but it was making seperate image files and I didnt like that. It looked like imagemagick could like resample the image on the fly without making a seperate file. I couldnt get the tool to install on windows but i didnt try very hard!